Thursday, February 18, 2010

To Rail Commuters

Dear Rail Commuters,

When you get up in the morning and get ready to go out and catch your train - to work, school, or wherever it is that you are going, dressed like that - you may like to consider having a shower and putting on deodorant. Just possibly. On days like today, with a packed carriage and temperatures shooting past twenty-five degrees (and well on the way to thirty), it might just make the journey more pleasant for your fellow passengers. You're going to get hot and sweaty on a train in late summer anyway, but you might as well start off clean and pleasant-smelling to delay the process of pickling and putrefaction that happens in trains like these, on days like these.

If you are aware of your body odour (and if yours is anything like that of the people I shared the train with today, it would be difficult to be unaware of it), your fellow passengers would most appreciate it if you hung back a little when the train reaches its final destination, so as to make sure you are at the back of the crowd that surges out of the train when the doors open. This way, the other commuters will not have to walk in the maladorous fog that trails in your wake, all the way through the station.

Yours sincerely,

A Fellow Passenger.